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League Mission:

The mission of MBA & MFFL is to develop and encourage the ideals of responsibility, hard work, sportsmanship and teamwork within a safe and positive environment. The individual development of our community’s keiki is enhanced through the spirit of competition, discipline and fair play. 


MBA & MFFL Code of Conduct: ​

It is imperative that parents follow this code of conduct when their child is participating

on a team of the MBA & MFFL. 


True sports success is accomplished when all parents demonstrate the six pillars of character: trustworthiness, respect,

responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship.


I will learn to the best of my ability, the rules and regulations of the MBA & MFFL.

I will always be a positive role model for the children.


I will always remember that my child is participating for the experience and the fun of the game, not for winning.


I will encourage my child and the other team players.


I will demonstrate respect, courtesy, and good sportsmanship.


I will not encourage any negative behaviors between the players, or with other parents,

coaches, officials, etc.


I will explain to my child the importance of playing by the rules.


I will teach my child to treat other players, coaches, officials, etc. with respect and courtesy.


I will encourage my child to do his/her best.


I will support the drug free environment that the MBA & MFFL is providing for my child, and will refrain

from any use at any and all of the practices and games.


I will inform the coach of any disability that my child has, to ensure my child’s safety in practices and games.

I understand that if I do not follow the rules of the “Parents Code of Conduct” that my child may

not be permitted to continue participation during this season or future seasons.


The MBA & MFFL Reserves the Right to remove any Parent or Player that we

feel has demonstrated misconduct, is not following the “Parents Code of Conduct” or the rules and regulations.

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